Player Rules
1:Be Respect to one another.
2:Report all Bugs and do not Abuse them.
3:NO HACKing allowed,if found you will be banned without notice.
4:Do not hog a FM room, To make it fair spilt up the mobs between you or make a party.
5:Do not Spam Smeagas,no more than 2 in less than 10secs or result in a DC or jailed and removed of all smegas in your inventory for Temp.
6:Do not spam any chat for a GM or if ur mad at someone or W.e there shouldnt be reason to spam any chat.
7:No advertisting any Sites,will result in a Perm ban.
8:No talking or promotting any harsh,sexual,embrassing things,pics,videos ETC.
9:Listen to the GMs during Events or result in being removed from the Event.
10: Rants are used to get your word out and feelings out of someone, but control yourself!.(goes for both GM/Player)
GM Rules
1:Obey your superiors.
2:Do not go outside the event rewards.Stick to them!(1st-4Scrolls,IOC,Event trophey....2nd-3Scrolls,IOC,Event Trophey....3rd-2scrolls,IOC,Event trophey-----IOC=Item of Choosing...theres limits!!on what they can ask.
3:No abusing your powers,no helping leveling,giving out items without holding Event,Jailing,Banning without reason,ETC.
4:Respect your superiors and your other Staff mates.
5:If your are going to edit a player post please do it in a different color as in Pink,Green,or Blue. Remove what was suppose to be removed and then add why in the colors at the bottem.
Break time,ill finish later.